The hourly rate for Occupational Therapy is £60.00 per hour (part hours to be charged in 15 minute portions) with block bookings of 
3+ sessions will be charged at a discounted rate of £50 per hour.  

Additional costs such as parking, postage will be re-charged at cost and mileage costs will be charged at 45p per mile and any resources that need to be purchased or incurred as a result of direct work will be discussed and agreed beforehand.

All work will be discussed and agreed beforehand and invoiced on a monthly basis. 

If you are unable to make an appointment we ask that you give at least 24 hours notice and there is no cancellation charge if the appointment is re-arranged.  Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will incur a cancellation charge of £60.00.

Prices for workshops, group activities etc. are as detailed in the information for those events.

Payments can be made by bank transfer, cheque, cash or credit/debit card using payment machine.